From ground-breaking revelations to quick reminders, our voice recording feature makes sure you don’t lose track of a single thought.
Compatible with mobile and desktop, record yourself while you’re out and about or flesh out your ideas from the comfort of your office. Whether you’re talking to your team or just to yourself, voice recording is an easy way to keep your mind and your workload organized.

Speak your mind
Voice recording can be used across the entire platform – send audio messages directly to contacts and groups or post a recording onto your timeline.
- Click into the channel you want to use – direct chat, group chat, or your timeline.
- Select Audio.
- Click on the record button.
- Speak your mind.
- Click to send your message or cancel to delete and re-record.
Share your thoughts
If you’ve posted a recording to your timeline, your followers can instantly listen, respond, and like it, allowing you to keep the conversation going from wherever you are.
If you want to spread the message even further, you can instantly share it on your social channels directly from your timeline.

Talk and transcribe
If you’re away from your keyboard (or you just can’t bring yourself to lift a finger), we’ve got you covered. You focus on the talking, and the voice recording feature will take care of the text.
Simply click the record button, share your thoughts, and the voice recording feature’s AI technology will transcribe your message.
It’s a great way to send quick notes and reminders to your colleagues or share thoughts and ideas with a larger audience when you’re on the go.